Troopy Flea & Tick Spray Sevin lavender 125ml

Carbaryl 0.22%
For dogs & cats

Residual Effect
Troopy-spray has a residual effect of 1 month (3-5 weeks)
Against fleas depending on the parasite challenge in the animals’ environment Troopy-spray may be used on dogs, cats, puppies& kittens.

the formulation contains a coating agent producing a film which makes the haircoat appear glossy neither rain nor shampooing affects the duration of effect of our spray-on ticks and fleas
kills Ticks that transmit Lyme disease

مميزات سيفين
Carbaryl 0.22%
يبدا المفعول خلال 15 دقيقه فقط
فقط عليك رش الحيوان كاملا بعكس الشعر
للوصول للجلد وترك الحيوان مبتلا دون ادني قلق مع التكرار في اليوم الثاني والثالث مباشرة

Made in Egypt

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